Former Mineworker? Did You Transfer Out Of The Mineworkers Pension Scheme? You Could Be Due Thousands in Compensation!

Are You One Of The Many Mineworkers Who Could Be Affected And Due

If you were convinced to transfer away from the British Coal Pension Scheme (Final Salary Pension) then you may be able to make a claim.

Final Salary Pensions are extremely valuable and secure, so if you transferred to a private pension scheme, the starting point is that such advice was not good advice, and you should have stayed with your Mineworkers Pension Scheme.

*Making a claim will not affect your existing Pension arrangements*

Request A FREE Callback Now.


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We helped Mr Edwards claim £63,000 in compensation, DESPITE his Personal Pension growing in value from £18,000 to £21,000.

Start your journey to pension justice!
We are here to help mineworkers who've transferred out of their Final Salary Pension.

Request A Callback!

Contact Us:

tel: 01925 859625

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Head Office:

Money & Me Solicitors

Unit 7 Olympic Park




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Money & Me Solicitors

Fountain Business Centre

Unit 75

Ellis Street




Money & Me Solicitors Limited is Authorised and Regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority as a Licensed Body Alternative Business Structure (ABS) under License Number: 670274

Mineworkers Pension Justice is a trading name of Money & Me Solicitors Limited, a Company incorporated in England and Wales under the Companies Act 2006 and under Registration Number 12552029.